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Moscow 2009 Minesweeper Tournament Results

Rank Player I E Sum TOTAL (5&5) Penalties
1 Roman Gammel 14.353 44.985 59.338 331.056
2 Pavel Mishin 15.360 48.726 64.086 349.828
3 Arsen Balishyan 16.785 55.070 71.855 385.929
4 Maksim Bashov 16.393 61.092 77.485 399.055
5 Konstantin Forofontov 18.762 58.646 77.408 408.456
6 Ramil Gafiyatov 19.748 59.302 79.050 423.903
7 Victor Suglobov 17.713 68.782 86.495 450.812
8 Andrey Deviatkin 22.370 70.363 92.733 474.782
9 Evgeniy Semyonushkin 20.946 73.395 94.341 507.635
10 Alexander Azargaev 22.891 78.831 101.722 524.401
11 Julia Roizner 22.787 79.856 102.643 553.352
12 Jaroslav (rutennis) 24.489 82.423 106.912 556.287
13 Vladimir Orlov 19.970 85.641 105.611 571.603
14 Georgiy Kotov 24.571 87.270 111.841 598.782
15 Dmitriy Shuvaev 35.071 113.651 148.722 1686.441 999.999 x1


You can download all tournament videos here (7.5MB).


Players will be ranked on the sum of their best 5 Intermediate and 5 Expert games. Each unfinished game will be given a penalty of 999.999 seconds.


The tournament was organised by Roman Gammel and took place on 28th November 2009 at a computer club in Moscow (Playground). Plans for simultaneous competitions in other cities did not work this year as not enough players outside Moscow could compete. Videos were uploaded automatically to the internet and a live tournament ranking was broadcast calculated on the results. The tournament started at 12:00 and players had 3 hours to achieve their scores. The top 3 players received trophies and everyone received certificates.

More Info

The tournament used the minesweeper version Clone 2007.

The official website of the tournament (in Russian) is here with results, videos and pictures.

As a result of this tournament, 3 new players joined the World Tournament Ranking (Ramil, Victor, Andrey) and 8 players beat a total of 13 scores previously on the ranking.


Trophies for the Winners

Players after the Competition:
Maksim, Andrey, Konstantin, Evgeniy, Victor, Pavel, Vladimir, Julia, Ramil, Arsen, Georgiy, Roman

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