What is the recommended percentage of mines?

Anything to do with minesweeper...
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What is the recommended percentage of mines?

Post by pstein »

Assume I have a minesweeper board of rows * cols = x cells

What is the optimal/recommended percentage of cells filled with mines?

I mean the optimal mix between solvability and difficulty ---> game fun

I estimate 22%.

Are there other opinions?

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Re: What is the recommended percentage of mines?

Post by EWQMinesweeper »

depends on what is fun for you...

when i'm in the mood to play my best and fastest game the standard levels with 15.625% and 20.625% are fine. when i'm not in the mood for serious playing or to warm up i enjoy increasing the mine density to the extent at which i hardly ever win a game.

i would recommend playing expert. there are many more things you can aim for than just the fastest solve. you can try non-flagging (using only the left button), double clicking only (except for the first few clicks), shortest mousepath (try to beat 5000 on expert, then 4000), fewest clicks, fewest clicks non-flagging, left hand sweeping, ioe (highest 3bv/used clicks), win percentage.
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Re: What is the recommended percentage of mines?

Post by arzoo »

Nah, it just eliminates common guess patterns. Uncommon ones (and cases where you are simply stuck) can still pop up :p
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