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Super Minesweeper

There are more than 1000 different ways to play Super Minesweeper!

- More than 150 board patterns (hexagons, octagons, triangles...)
- Modes include Backwards, Multi-mine, Moving Mines, Endurance and Mega Mines
- New Master level added to the standard three levels
- Highscores can be saved for every level and board pattern
- You can customize sounds effects
- You can customise game colours
- If you hit a bomb you get a penalty and keep playing

Shareware version lets you play 8 board patterns in Classic, Backwards or Multi-Mine game modes.


Editor Comments

Super Minesweeper has more levels and variations than any other version. Turn your speakers on full volume before you start playing to enjoy the special effects. Choose an obscure level and set a world record!

Author Kris Asick
Company Pixelmusement
Version 1.13  (2009.12.31)
Category Variation
License Shareware
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