Berühmte Cheater

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Hin und wieder versuchen Cheater sich auf die Weltrangliste zu schmuggeln. Diese Seite beschäftigt sich mit einigen der bekanntesten Cheater. Sie sind eine ganz eigene Kategorie: Nicht alle Scores, die den Regeln widersprechen, sich absichtlich entstanden und nicht alle Cheater werden so bekannt, wie diese hier! Nennen wir diesen Artikel die Hall of Shame.

João Livramento

João Livramento wurde dem Authoritative Minesweeper mit den Zeiten 3-12-55 am 2. Februar 2001 hinzugefügt. Damit war er der zweitschnellste Spieler der Welt. (Lasse Nyholm hatte 3-16-47). João schickte Screenshots und seine Zeiten wurden akzeptiert. Die einzige Überraschung war, wie ein so guter Spieler so lange brauchen konnte, die Seite zu finden.

Fake? Strike One

João Livramento behauptete eine 12 geschafft zu haben, nur einen Monat nach seiner ersten 28

Die Begeisterung brach ab als Matt McGinley am 11. Februar 2001 im Guestbook schrieb:

Okay, Ive been looking over Joao's 12 second board and Ive come to the conclusion that there is no possible way that anyone can complete that board in 12 seconds. At the fastest, maybe 17 or 18, but surely not 12!!!! I was wrong about Sriram's 2 sec. board and I might be wrong about this one, so respond to this if you disagree with me. But there's just no way!

Lance Votroubek antwortete:

It looks like his 12 second board is doable in 12 seconds... coming from a person who can't even break 20 in intermediate. But if you are saying that he is faking it (I'm not accusing or anything), it wouldn't be so intelligent of him to claim to have a world record, ya know?

Joe Nuss hielt die 12 auch für echt:

for what its worth, i think joao did it. a lot of the board openened with that one click, and i think if he played a near flawless game he could have done it. however, that would raise the question that if he got a 12 on that kind of crappy board, how did he not get even better on a really good board? [...] i mean, ive gotten better boards than that before.

Die Situation beruhigte sich für einige Tage. Es ist leicht jemanden, der schneller als man selbst ist, als Cheater zu bezeichnen. Vielleich hatte João seine Zeiten schon früher erreicht und mittlerweile wieder aufgehört zu spielen, bevor er die Seite fand. Das würde das plötzliche auftreten eines Weltklassespielers erklären

Fake? Strike Two

Dieses Szenario wurde unwahrscheinlich, als Lance Votroubek am 14. Februar 2001im Guestbook schrieb:

Has anybody else noticed that Joao was already in the record books... with an intermediate 28????

João hatte bereits eine Bestzeit von 28 Sekunden vom 27. Dezember 2000 gepostet und die 12 im Januar kam demnach nur einen Monat später. Damien hatte dieses nicht bemerkt, da er zu diesem Zeitpunkt noch keine Datenbank für seine Rangliste benutzte. Matt wiedeholte seinen Angriff, indem er behauptete, dass es unmöglich sei in nur ein paar Monaten von 28 auf 12 zu springen. Joe erwiderte spitzfindig, dass Matt sich scheinheilig verhalte: "gerade du solltest wissen, dass es möglich ist [...]bist du nicht innerhalb weniger Monate von ungefähr 30 auf 18 gesprungen?"

Matt antwortete schnell und scharf:

Joe, I went from 32 in September to 18 on Nov. 21. A considerable jump in a short amount of time, yes, but listen here. I got 17 on Jan 2. I havent been close since. Yes you can go quickly thorugh the 20's, but once you get into the teens, breaking your records every month (or less in this case) is nearly impossible. Yes, you can get very lucky and get a great board and take off three or four seconds off your PR, but Joao's board is not great. A sweeper with an expert time of 38 would have a hard time playing through that board in under 15 seconds. Yes I may sound harsh, but there is no way, ANYBODY can get through that board in 12 seconds!

Joe gab zu, dass er einmal von einem Freund reingelegt worden war, der mit Photoshop Screenshots bearbeitet hatte. Dies führte zu einer kurzen Debatte darüber, ob Camtasia Videos zu einer Voraussetzung für die Aufnahme in Ranglisten gemacht werden sollen. Schnell stellte sich jedoch die Erkenntnis ein, dass das Programm nicht auf allen Rechnern lief und Lance erklärte, die einzige Möglichkeit Fakes zu entdecken sei weiterhin die Spiele zu analysieren.

Fake? Strike Three

Der Fall nahm eine interessante Wendung als Philip Culp am 16. Februar 2001 anmerkte:

Not to be a dork or anything but [...] I also doubt it because on the screen shot of his beginner the board was 9x9 and all the others are 8x8 which makes it hard to believe the 12 and his other scores.

Dieser neue Sachvrhalt überzeugten Joe:

ok, joao=fake. that 9x9 beginner proves it. thats pretty funny, too :). take him off the lists, damien, you're second fastest sweeper in the world now, man! good job! :)

Damien bat João sofort um eine Erklärung. Khor Eng Tat postete allerdings drei Tage später im Guestbook, dass zu seinem Schrecken seine Anfänger-Rekorde auch auf einem 9 mal 9 gespielt waren. Erst jetzt wurde bemerkt, dass mit dem Release von Windows ME am 14. September 2000 das 8 mal 8 Gitter durch 9 mal 9 ersetzt worden war.

Struck Out

Der João Skandal verlor an Wichtigkeit, als sowohl Damien als auch Sriram Sridharan ihn auf der Rangliste überholten. Damien schrieb im Guestbook über seine neue 53 auf Profi:

That feels good...I finally beat Joao and by two seconds! Too bad that Sriram had to get a 51's getting hot (Lasse 66 Sriram 67 Myself 68 total).

Matt und Joe forderten danach, dass João von den Ranglisten genommen wird. Unglücklicherweise blieb João noch bis April 2001 dort stehen, da Damiens Eltern ihm das Internet verbaten. Letztendlich wurde João auf seine früheren Zeiten zurüchgesetzt.

Der nächste bitte

João war der erste Cheater, der es zeitweise auf die Weltrangliste schaffte. Dieses Debakel führte dazu, dass die Community verstärkt auf Videobeweise zurückgriff, obwohl das einzige verfügbare Programm nur begrenzt nützlich war und gerade erst vor zwei Monanten entdeckt worden war. Es wurde klar, dass der Schwierigkeitsgrad eines Boards sehr unterschiedlich sein kann, abhängig von den Fähigkeiten des Spielers.

Letztendlich wurde João aufgrund des großen Kontrasts zu seinen früheren Zeiten und Nichtbeantworten von Nachfragen erwischt. (3BV war noch nicht entdeckt worden, aber seine 12 (47) und 55 (168) erfordern außergewöhnliche Fähigkeiten, besonders von jemandem, der zwei Monate zuvor noch 3-28-XX hatte). Eine Konsequenz dieser Ereignisse war, dass Damien Moore drei Wochen lang der zweite Platz auf der Weltrangliste versagt blieb. Als João wieder auf seine früheren Zeiten zurückgesetzt wurde, hatte Sriram Damien bereits wieder überholt. Dies zeigte, dass eine solche Rangliste bessere Methoden brauchte, um Cheater zu erwischen.

James Shannon

Lasse Nyholm hatte gerade mit 42 Sekunden auf Profi einen neuen Weltrekord aufgestellt, als am 8. November 2002 folgende E-mail an Authoritative Minesweeper gesendet wurde:

A friend of mine told me I should consider looking up the minesweeper records and submitting my times. I was downloading some software on his machine for him and was sweeping while I was waiting. He watched me get a 63 on expert and got very excited. I promised him I would look into it.

I have attached a video of my most recent expert game--tied for my best time (38s). If you are interested, a bit about my minesweeping history follows.

I first learned to play minesweeper when I was seven, but I didn't really play much until I was 11 or 12. I stopped playing on beginner and intermediate about two and a half years ago (personal best of 1s and 19s respectively). In those days I played maybe an hour a week and had an expert time of 119s. Around July of 2000, I developed a bad case of insomnia. I slept on average 3 hours a week for 7 months. It was not that long at all before I was completely bored with staring at the ceiling night after night and I would sweep to pass the time. By the time I started sleeping healthily again, my expert time was down to 44s. I only play about an hour a day now, just to keep my speed up.

James Shannon Vancouver, Canada Born: March 10, 1982

Ein Perfektes Video

Das aufgezeichnete Spiel ist unglaublich schnell und auf einem 137 3BV Board. Jedoch hat Dion Tiu 2005 bewiesen, dass sub40 auf einem sup130 3BV Board möglich ist. Aufgrund des Videos kann es sich nicht einfach nur um einen bearbeiteten Screenshot handeln. Der Timer im Video läuft in Echtzeit. Das Spiel wurde auf Windows 98 gespielt, aber der Timer Jump Bug tritt nicht auf; allerdings ist er auch nicht immer in allen Spielen aufgeteten. Es könnte sein, dass die Wiedergabegeschwindigkeit erhöht und ein korrekt laufender Timer eingefügt worden ist. Allerdings befindet sich der Lösungsvorgang im Spiel auf sehr hohem Niveau und demzufolge müsste das beschleungigte Video bereits von jemandem mit sehr ausgeprägten Fähigkeiten gespielt worden sein. Obwohl James einen Weltrekord auf Profi behauptete, tat er dies nicht für das Fortgeschrittenen Level, weshalb er nicht auf Platz 1 der Weltrangliste gelandet wäre (das übliche Ziel von Cheatern). Er könnte einen Solver benutzt haben, aber der Mauszeiger bewegt sich nicht in roboterartigen geraden Linien. Die meisten Solver lösen immer ganze Regionen auf einmal, wohingegen James manche Muster übersieht und erst später zurückkehrt. Des Weiteren benutzen die wenigsten Solver eine Mischng aus Flagging und NF. Kurz gesagt war es das perfekte Video.

Das Perfekte Verbrechen

Damien Moore schickte das Video an Lasse Nyholm und Dan Cerveny. Beide fanden das komplette Fehlen von kleinsten Zögerungen oder Fehlern sehr ungewöhnlich. Es gab keinen einzigen verschenkten Klick im ganzen Video. Damien bat James um weitere Belege seines Könnens und fragte nach einer besseren Zeit auf dem Fortgeschrittenen Level, erhielt aber keine Antwort. Die Zeiten wurden aufgrund des Verdachts auf Cheating abgelehnt.

Es sollte noch einige Jahre dauern, bis Damien ein kleines Detail auffiel, als er das Video nur zum Spaß ansah. Vielleicht möchten Sie den Fehler selbst entdecken:

Der Fehler? In der rechten unteren Ecke ist eine Zahl falsch.

Es gab einen weiteren, weniger offensichtlichen Fehler. Minesweeper wurde am 8. Oktober 1990 mit WEP veröffentlicht, als James 8 1/2 Jahre alt war - mehr als ein Jahr nachdem er angefangen hatte zu spielen! Minesweeper kam erstmals am 6. April 1992 zusammen mit Windows heraus, als James bereits 10 war.

Daniela Weingut

Es wäre schwierig die ganze Geschichte um Daniela zu beschreiben, deshalb ist es vielleicht am Besten sie selbst reden zu lassen:

28. Oktober 2001 im Guestbook:

WHAT HAVE I DONE??? Yesterday I managed only 7 HOURS of sweeping! I start doing things that have nothing to do with Minesweeper! Today I'll spend 13 hours playing Minesweeper. [...] I still make many mistakes with the new playing technique. When I practice more often, I make less mistakes. My speed has already improved.

1. November 2001 im Guestbook:

I have access to the net only sporadically now, so if you don't hear from me for a long time, don't worry. I'm still going to break my best time because I can still play Minesweeper on my second computer which has no internet access. Only Camtasia doesn't run like a dream there, so I can only record at 5 frames/second. And yes, switching the versions is really better for speed. I tried it out today. I played on a 16*16 board with 39 mines (what if I get the dreamboard and lose it?) and played as fast as possible. I made a 23.

23. November 2001 im Guestbook:

I can tell you how to go below 100. I did it this way: I forced myself to play slowly for about one month (after I got 136). At least a couple of times in a day I really wanted to go fast, but I didn't do it. After some time I couldn't stand it any more, I just couldn't hold myself back, played fast and went from 136 to 96 and after a few minutes to 85. Between the 96 and the 85 I got a 35 on int and a 6 on beg. This may sound silly, but it works. BTW, you can see a 57 no marking video in about 3 days.

24. November 2001 auf Minesweeper Addicts:

I just got a 77 [...] and finally a 57! It feels so good. I only have the 57 on video, it's in the files section. Oh dear, I'm so happy!

Matt McGinley antwortete bei Addicts und gratulierte Daniela zu ihrem gefakten Profi video. Owen Fox postete eine eindeutige Antwort im Guestbook und beschuldigte sie gecheatet zu haben. Es war allerdings unmöglich für sie zu cheaten,...denn es gab ja ein Video!

Daniela und Andrea

Andrea schrieb im Guestbook, dass Daniela ihre Schwester wäre. Das Video müsse echt sein, da sie Daniela beim spielen zugesehen hätte. Mehrere Spieler behaupteten weiterhin, dass das Video ein Fake sei, was zu einem interessanten Briefwechsel führte. Andrea behauptete, dass Daniela ehrlich sei und nicht wüsste, wie man cheatet, und dass die Auffälligkeiten im Video darauf zurückzuführen seien, dass Camtasia auf einem alten Computer laufe.

Ihre Unnachgiebigkeit brachten David Barry und Owen Fox zu der Vermutung, dass Andrea und Daniela die selbe Person seien. Andrea bestritt dies vehement:

I'm really her sister and not her. She hates Linkin Park, it's my favourite group; she hates loud music and dancing; she has never tried to drink alcoholic drinks, because she thinks it affects her sweeping. she's my opposite, because I like all these things and you see, she hates MTV.

Vielleicht erzählte Andrea die Wahrheit? Einen Monat zuvor hatte sich Daniela für einen Post im Guestbook entschuldigt, den angeblich ihre Schwester geschrieben hatte.

Cheater oder Witzbold?

Matt McGinley und Owen Fox waren überzeugt, dass Daniela ein Cheater war. Roleof Smit und Dave Berry glaubten, dass Video müsse ein Scherz sein, da es so schlecht gemacht war. Zuzugeben, dass das Video ein Fake war, hätte Daniela gerettet. Jedoch blieb sie stur und bestand darauf, dass es echt sei:

If I really wanted to cheat, I would've... ...written a Visual Basic application that gives me the dream board. ...made a better intermediate time. ...used the League version and I would have written an application that makes the timer go three times slower. ...made a new world record. ...done it a long time before.

Wir haben einen Cheater

Mehrere Unstimmingkeiten im Video, wie zum Beispiel Minen, die markiert werden, als der Cursor schon lange nicht mehr über dem Feld ist, könnten durch die sehr geringe Framerate im Video erklärt werden. Ein offensichtlicher Fehler im Video ist, dass Chording in einem Teil des Boards auftritt, während sie einen anderen Teil löst. Obwohl einige Teile der Lösung brilliant sind, sind andere wiederum schrecklich ineffizient. Der größte Fehler ist, dass der Timer während des ganzen Spiels bei 0 stehen bleibt.

Andere Faktoren, die berücksichtigt werden sollten: Daniela behauptete jeden Tag mehr als 12 Stunden zu spielen; Daniela wusste wie man cheatet und konnte programmieren; Daniela behauptete sich innerhalb eines einzigen Tages von 136 auf 85 verbessert zu haben; Daniela erzielte eine 85 und behauptete dann innerhalb von drei Tagen ein Video einer 57 mit ihrer neuen Technik präsentieren zu können.

Die Community reagierte zunehmend genervt. Die Sache beruhigte sich schlussendlich, als Joe Nuss einen abschließenden Kommentar postete:

why doesnt everyone cool out? it's obvious damien won't except daniela's scores; if everyone is so hard core anti-her, why dont you just not give her the satisfaction of attention? duh and im assuming the "obvious flaw" that someone mentioned before is the fact that the timer doesnt move and stays at 0, yes? why anyone is even looking beyond that to minute points such as when the smiley face changes to sunglasses and her style of play and the jerkiness of the animation? rest easy fellas; daniela won't be on the records list next time it's updated.

Jason Tran

Jason (ID #2509, Australien) trat den Rankings am 9. August 2004 mit 2-19-67 auf Windows Minesweeper bei. Er beteiligte sich aktiv an Diskussionen in der Community und verbesserte seine Rekorde etliche Male innerhalb der folgenden Monate. Schließlich reihte er sich mit 2-10-43 auf Weltrang #4 ein, bevor er von Rodrigo Camargo (Brasilien, Erfinder von Minesweeper Clone) als Cheater entlarvt wurde. Grégoire Duffez (Frankreich), der Webmaster von Planet Minesweeper, schrieb am 10. Januar 2005 unter dem Pseudonym 'International Minesweeper Commitee' ins Guestbook:

"The international Minesweeper committee carried out an anti-doping control, by examinating an urinal sample of Jason Tran. This test has been positive for a substance called "timerslowdownolone", which is strictly prohibited. Jason Tran has immediately been suspended from official lists, waiting for explanations. Here are the results of the analysis :"

Slow Capture

Es brauchte lange, bis Jason entdeckt wurde, da er mit seinen echten Scores anfing um sich über mehrere Monate hinweg zu 'verbessern'. Nur wenige Cheater sind so geduldig! Er machte seine 'Rekorde' auch auf einfachen, glaubhaften Boards. Er beteiligte sich an Diskussionen und gratulierte anderen Spielern zu ihren Rekorden. Seine Fortschritte waren die Folgenden (die Scores waren damals Real Time +1):

24. August 2004 im Guestbook:

"59 ==> 52.51 YESSSSSSSSSS!!!! i scored 52 last night (1am) on a 113 Board i think! anyways im really happy!!! Anybody who wants a copy can email me and ill send them a copy coz i dont have a website [...] Time for me to work on my inter score"

26. August 2004:

"I got a nice 36 or 34 (cant remember) board and managed a 13 the yesterday!!!! [...] Overall its been a very good month for me!!!"

Martin Toft Madsen (Dänemark) produzierte dann ein falsches 37 Sekunden Profi Video auf einer alten Version von Clone. Jason war interessiert und fragte am 28. August 2004: "is it still possible now to do fakes with whatever method you were doing???". Martin aber antwortete: "No, you can't make a fake the way I did with the new clone. I just found an easy board, practised it, loaded it, began recording and played it. Only very little needed to be done with the video other than that to make it look genuine." Martin sagte auch: "And just to make it clear: this video was an attempt to show that it was pretty easy to make a genuine looking fake video with a clone that was developed at that time. It was not an attempt to make anyone believe that I had made a genuine 37."

Am 31. August 2004 behauptete Jason einen Rekord von 51 Sekunden zu haben, sagte aber, das Video sei defekt. Das erhöhte seine Glaubwürdigkeit, da seine Beschreibung auf einen neu entdeckten Bug passte, den Rodrigo im nächsten Update behob. He also offered to play others on the new Multiplayer feature of the Clone.

Am 16. September 2004 schrieb Jason zweimal ins Guestbook. Sein neuer Rekord brachte ihn auf Rang 16 des Worldrankings:

"13 --> 11.7 wooo hooo scored 11 seconds on clone the other day!!!! so happy!!! [...] scored 12 seconds the other day!! kinda kool but not as wicked as the 11!!! hehe!!! now time to sub 50 on expert!! hmm....... hopefully by the end of the year!"

Sub50 came earlier than 'expected' on 24 Dec 2004:

"52 ---->>>>>> 46.32 WOOOHOOO First and foremost i would to say MERRY CHRISTMAS to all!! hope you all have a safe and wonderful holiday!!! Well the last two weeks have been a bit of a bummer for me coz i had many sub 50 chances!! but just slipped thru my fingers yet again!!! but wat betta way to celebrate christmas but with a new score!!! 46 seconds!!!! WOOHOO!!!!! 141 3BV Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!! Now this calls for celebration!!!!"

Georgi Kermekchiev (Bulgaria) then asked why he did not submit his history file for the Clone rankings. Jason replied:

"the reason why i dont submit clone results is because, i play on about three computers, i have two computers at home and i scored my 46 today on my girlfriends computer!! My history is all over the place!!!"

Two more records arrived on 26 Dec 2004 and Rodrigo immediately asked for the videos:

"46---->>>>> 45 ---->>>> 43.06 (137 3bv) hehehe!!! woot woot!!! i dont believe it!! I scored a 45 this morning and then ten minutes later!! a 43!!!!!! better watch out im coming!! nahh... still a way to go yet to catch up to oli!!"

On 5 Jan 2005 Jason played a 3BV=23 Intermediate board and lost on the last click, at 9.03 seconds.

His final post was 6 Jan 2005 with a new world record of 10 seconds on Intermediate and world rank of #4:

"11-->>>> 10.96 YEP! 10 seconds! 10 seconds only just though, i did it on a 41 3bv board crazily enuf! but hey its a 10!! hehe :P I did miss out on a very possible 9 seconds earlier just one click away only one ........ click away, so disappointed it was a 23 3bv board i thinks! @dion: hehe one second closer dion! watch ur back!!"

On 5 Jan 2005, Jason lost on the last click at 3BV=23 boardWhile part of the community Jason submitted scores to the Active Ranking, which at the time did not require picture or video evidence. Starting in Period 19 (10-24 September) he submitted 11-54 (4th), 14-53 (6th), 15-54 (8th), 14-54 (8th) and 12-43 (2nd).

Happy Ending

The quick pace of improvement led Rodrigo to suspect possible cheating. He requested all videos from Jason and persuaded him to provide the Clone history file. A discussion on IRC led to his removal from the rankings and Grégoire's post. The history file covered less than 2 weeks of scores. (Note: Clone history is in RT.) A few days later, Rodrigo identified the exact program used. This program slowed the clock, so on replay Clone played at the 'correct' speed. He immediately fixed the Clone to detect similar programs. Jason apologised on IRC and left the community.

But this story has a happy ending! In May 2006, Jason wrote to apologise again and asked if he could ever be accepted. After providing his real scores (2-18-65) he was reinstated.


Benson (ID #1462) is more of a story than a person. He joined the site in April 2004 and accused the world records of being fake. This led to many players trying to convince him scores were real. The best player in the world, Lasse Nyholm (Denmark) then made the famous "To Benson" videos. After accepting the evidence his scores improved and he was welcomed into the community - until Damien Moore (Canada) outed him as a player already on the world ranking!

Fun At First

The Guestbook pages where Benson arrived are lost, but on 4 Apr 2005 Lasse made two videos of himself scoring a 49 second game on Expert and wrote:

"Never liked being called a cheater - still don't. take a look: and Happy sweeping everyone"

Benson repled was quickly:

"ok so Lasse Nylom or whatever that was a nice high quality video. I couldn't see your hand at all, all I saw was your head for a few seconds and what looked to me like a mouse program. No offense, but what exactly was the point of that? "

Stephen Arnason (Canada) strongly rebuked Benson:

"Benson: What on earth is the matter with you? What you are saying is absolutely ignorant. Like, it actually doesn't take very much to get below even 85 as you suggested as the maximum limit. Like are you joking that you've been playing for years and can only get like 190 on expert? I started here at like 83 on expert, something like 25 on intermediate and like 5 on beginner or something. The minesweepers here are the best of their class [...] You talk about using logic. What kind of logic is "if i can't do it nobody can"?"

This prompted Lasse to respond twice on 5 Apr 2005:

"Benson: these guys have already tried to argue rationally, I thought I'd try with a little humor. I knew very well you wouldn't take it as proof, but... not everything is about you. Hope someone enjoyed the vid - it was pretty fun to make. Maybe someday I'll make another one - where you see my hands, and a clock moving, and an audio-file of the mouse-clicks, with realtime-music in the back - or perhaps a sportsannouncer, or some cheerleaders.....We'll see - happy sweeping [...] Okay - I couldn't help it - had to try again. This time only 51, but with my hand, the sound of the clicking and music in the back. No cheerleaders though. Grr, never could keep them in my room for more than 40 secs anyways, so I would have had to break my record..."

This finally convinced Benson, who wrote:

"Well, it appears as though I may have been proven wrong? I'm sorry. I told my mom about this and she looked through and I showed her the video and she told me I was probably wrong. It just seems so impossible. I started playing this game many years ago but I haven't practiced hardcore like you guys. I just thought that maybe you guys made a program that let all of you get good scores and I wanted to too. Sorry for accusations. Can I have help with how to get better? I really want to."

The community accepted the apology, and over the next week they gave him tips. Benson improved from 194 to 169 on Expert, 81 to 74 on Intermediate and scored a 12 on Beginner. He was excited to discover Chording and seemed eager to learn, asking other players many questions. In a way, he became a favourite pet due to his naive enthusiasm. Then came a confusing time in the Guestbook where a spammer posted fake posts pretending to be Lasse, Damien and Elmar. This prompted Damien to investigate, and on 14 Apr 2005 he posted:

"the fake damien, lasse, elamr posts are all done by the IP used by all of benson's previous posts...however, the last three posts by stephen use the same IP as well (where he breaks his int score, 3bv/s values, and one lecture against benson). just putting this info out..."

Now discovered to be Stephen Arnason (Canada), Benson replied:

"Well it was fun while it lasted. To be quite honest, I was a little bored of the regular talk - wanted to spark up a bit of a controversy. Obviously when Damien had my IP addy he knew who I was. I did break my int record. I also made sure I 'pseudonymed' people who come on here often - I knew that people would know. No apologies here, just some fun as damien even mentioned - but my streak of benson/others is over."


Stephen was already ranked with 1-16-65 when he started posting as Benson. Looking back, the fact he even posted as Stephen and criticised Benson is funny. No punishment was given, as many players found him amusing and he did not fake any videos or pictures. In the end, the community was more than pleased to have videos of Lasse playing minesweeper!

Justin DiFebo

Fehler beim Erstellen des Vorschaubildes: Datei fehlt
Website of Justin DiFebo

Justin (ID #3292) was a spammer known by many names including "Michael Kenyon", "The Illinois Enema Bandit", "Al Kilyu" and possibly others. He mainly posted in the Guestbook from June 2001 to November 2001. Most posts were deleted for inappropriate comments of a sexual nature, but some players found him amusing. As Justin he claimed scores of 2-19-51. There were two highlights to his career: on 2 Nov 2001 he pretended to be Sriram Sridharan (world rank #2) and claimed that David Barry (world rank #4) had died; on 29 Nov 2001 Damien Moore (world rank #3) posted a picture and a few hours later a porn site was created featuring Damien (his head edited into pictures of men and women) performing sexual acts with men, women and animals. As Damien recollects, he showed the site to a friend at work who responded, "Nice T*ts!"

Wendy Schopieray

Wendy (ID #4108) joined the site with MSX videos of 1.41-7.60-21.69 on 15 Dec 2010. It was clear a human was playing the games due to misflags and other mistakes, and it was obvious the video speed had been increased. Innocent until proven guilty! Damien asked her to send Clone videos and explained more evidence was needed for scores this fast. On 28 Dec 2010 and the next day she sent Clone videos, the fastest being 1.31-7.46-24.93. She was then asked to send Arbiter48.5 videos because no one had succesfully hacked this program. At this point she stopped answering her emails.

There were many reasons why her videos were rejected as fake. First, her skill level was amateur and suggested the videos were 4 or 5 times faster than her actual times. Second, she claimed scores much faster than the current world records on Intermediate and Expert. Third, her 3bvs scores were insane; for example, she claimed 8.82-7.80-6.09 on the three levels with her 'slowest' games being 5.30-5.89-4.99. This was explained to her and it took her by surprise, because she was a newb and had not done her research.

Brandon Stitt

Brandon Stitt (ID 3764) is also known as “Webs Man”, “BJSwimmer”, “Silver” and “Axecutioner”. He joined the site in September 2009 and in less than a month scored 40-40-90-170-240 on the standard custom levels. The games were on MSX but he only sent pictures and YouTube videos. It looked like he was using MSX 0.34, which has cheat features but no video function. Damien wrote him in October 2009, explaining that official videos were needed and asking about his strange mouse movement (which looked like the XYZZY cheat was being used). Brandon gave a feasible explanation for the mouse movement but then disappeared.

Brandon joined the site again in February 2011 and sent official MSX videos. He did not mention his old fake scores and the YouTube videos had been deleted. His first videos were 22-35-64-125-160 on the standard custom levels. He made 25 on 8x8 in March and LC'd a 170 on 24x30 in early April. The videos looked genuine because solving was amateur and the density was low, except for the 35 on 9x9 which was a lucky game. He stopped sending scores for several months.

In July he suddenly improved and started sending scores every few days:

July 13 200 (24x30)
July 23 75 (16x16)
July 23 140 (16x30)
July 24 31 (8x8) 8 second pause at start
July 28 39 (9x9) 7 second pause at start
July 29 80 (16x16)
July 30 36 (8x8) 8 second pause at start
Aug 6 85 (16x16)
Aug 8 90 (16x16) 4 second pause at start
Aug 11 215 (24x30)

When asked about the pauses at the start of games he replied, "My strategy for openings is to click-look-F2 as quick as I can, and when I find a large opening like those 2 boards I stop and figure out how many open spaces are left which helps me know what to guess and how to play the board.” He also claimed to play 5-8 hours a day.

On 17 August, Fritz Loehr contacted Damien about these games, pointing out the huge odds of getting the large openings on the Beginner games. His rough calculations suggested the chance of these openings was less than 1 in 250000. Starting a game each second and hitting F2 would take about 70 hours to find one, and then you would have to make all the correct guesses. If Brandon was using a program to search for openings, the pauses would be from him being late to notice his program had stopped.

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Examples of UPK screenshots. You can see "JitBit Macro Recorder" on the Taskbar.

On 20 August it was discovered that Brandon was using a macro program called JitBit to look for openings and then using UPK. After finding a good opening, the macro would be customised to look for that opening again. Using screenshots from failed solving attempts, eventually the game could be solved. The 8x8, 9x9 and most recent 16x16 games were definitely cheated. There were several pictures (now deleted) at his Photobucket page ( showing screenshots of games played with UPK and the JitBit program open. One picture shows a blast of his 36 mines on 8x8. Another picture shows examples of lost 9x9 games (the blasted game in the top corner is identical to his 39 mines on 9x9 for example).

The same day a post by Brandon (as "Axecutioner") was found at dated 17 July: "Long story short, I need the source code of a specific minesweeper game. I've tried decompiling it and that didn't work. I'm very basic as far as computer knowledge so I'd appreciate it is it could be done for me or at least give me very detailed steps on how to do it. All I need is the source code. Thanks!" He provided a link to MSX. This suggests his scores up to this date were legitimate, as he was still looking for a hack.

On 25 August there was a chat on IRC. Damien Moore, Fritz Loehr, Daniel Marden and Brandon were present amongst others. Brandon was challeged to a "26 mines on 8x8" competition using Arbiter. Unknown to Brandon the others were not playing (except Damien who fluked a 14 second win in less than 2 minutes but kept the result quiet while waiting for Brandon). Brandon’s game showed a small pause after a large opening (consistent with the JitBit macro) and then several strange guesses (consistent with lack of skill or UPK). Brandon also "forgot" to use Arbiter and submitted the video using MSX.

Two days later, Fritz challenged him to another Arbiter density competition. Brandon emailed Damien afterwards, "Long story short, we did a density tournament in the IRC chat today on 8x8 and I could not for the life of me get 25 mines using Arbiter. It took me like an hour and I still don't know why it seemed so hard." He said all future records would be made on Arbiter.

More evidence of cheating was found the next day. Back in November 2009, Brandon (as "Silver") had posted in a forum at that he was hacking Minesweeper X to put mines where he wanted, but was having problems hacking the mine counter and the timer. Someone pointed out it was easier to use Clone “UPK Mode” or to use MSX version 0.34 to do the same thing. Here are some of his posts put together:

"I tried hacking into Minesweeper X, and this is what I have so far" --- "Yeah, I just need to fix it to look like a finished minesweeper board. Then it'll be great." --- "Trust me, hacking into a Minesweeper X game is harder than I thought it would be. I'm getting closer now...” --- "Yeah, I now have the ones, twos, and threes working, but it puts eights everywhere else. Getting the mines in place were hard since I had to learn the code to set it up right. This part is just trial and error...”

He had also posted in April 2011 at (as “Axecutioner”) that he was hacking MSX using the command prompt. The goal was to manipulate mine locations but get the numbers, counter and timer to display properly. Here is his post on 8 Apr 2011 from

"I got bored earlier today, and thought about making a Sparkworkz logo from Minesweeper. It started with getting the .exe file to show it's functions and calculations in the command prompt. From there, I just had to edit the mine locations from the partially random setup previously in the coding to the set coordinates of the letters I wanted. But then when I went to finish the board normally, it wouldn't recognize any of the numbers, as if there were no mines at all, and clicking a mine wouldn't do anything. That, and the timer wouldn't start and the mine counter went into the negatives. So from there, I had to reprogram the numbers to show the number of mines bordering them, get the mine counter to count normally (which was much harder than expected) and the clock to count right. I couldn't get the clock working though, my best result was it going up by a second each time I clicked a square. So I just stuck it at lucky 777 and kept it there. Also, clicking a mine didn't do anything. All in all, a nice waste of time, and I'm happy with the result."

Damien wrote an investigative report on 28 August listing the evidence but did not publish it. The report became this article.

In one more strange incidence, on 28 September Brandon signed into IRC and also under a fake name (Tom Sarango) and thanked himself (Brandon) for teaching himself (Tom) how to play minesweeper. (Brandon was not aware that IRC showed the IP address, and "both" players had signed in from the same computer).


It was clear his 2009 pictures were fake, and they were never allowed on any ranking. His 2011 games were allowed on the ranking but removed in October 2011 after Brandon was allowed time to defend himself. His March and April records are probably real, but his July and August records are all (or mostly) fake. Because of a consistent history of faking scores, none of his scores are now allowed on the rankings. His last post in the Guestbook (26 Oct 2011) states that he is trying to break his records but finding it difficult.

Brandon Explains

Brandon wrote the site on 3 Nov 2011 and explained everything. The 31 (8x8), 36 (8x8), 39 (9x9) and 90 (16x16) are fake but the other scores are real. The sparkworkz photos were him trying to be cool in a hacker forum, but he actually edited the pictures with Photoshop and did not hack MSX. JitBit was used to start games every 5ms but it was unable to find repeated boards on 16x30 and 24x30 so he did not ever cheat on those levels. In his words:

I didn't hack MSX, the sparkworkz posts were just simple photoshops and me trying to make it look like a real hack. I never did get the source code of MSX and if I did, I could have coded in a like that worked like xyzzy but still let me record video. The 8x8, 9x9, and 16x16 were done using the macro, and upk after finding multiple of the same board. The 16x30 and 24x30 were done the correct honest way. I did try 16x30 on the macro but there were too many different boards to cycle through, even at 5ms per reset that I was running at. I never tried to cheat 24x30.

The only thing I can say about the article is get rid of the sparkworkz posts - those were simple photoshops and me trying to act like it was a real hack. I was never able to actually hack MSX, or get the source code for that matter. To prevent against macros, I'd say, don't have repeating boards. Make mine placement totally 100% random. I could get 3 or 4 of the same board in a day on 8x8 and 9x9 with a refined macro program.

The only thing I ask is that you accept my 24x30 record and put it back up. I spent many hours trying to get it, with no cheating in any way. I know you have no reason to believe me at this point, but hey, it's worth a shot. If there's anything else you want to know, I'll be happy to help. I'd also appreciate it if this email was posted with the article.

I hope your leaderboards are running well for many more years to come. Thanks for good time while it lasted.

Videos and Pics

  • Brandon Stitt - All of Brandon's videos and pictures and the evidence of cheating.