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3BV ist die Minimalanzahl an Klicks mit der linken Maustaste, die benötigt wird um ein Board zu lösen.

Wie's geht

Dieses Spiel braucht mindestens 39 Linksklicks. Jedes Opening (mit seinen angrenzenden Zahlen) braucht einen Klick
und jede übrige Zahl braucht einen. Das Spiel setzt automatisch alle Flaggen, sobald man gewinnt.

3BV1.PNG        3BV2.PNG


Klicks zählen

Am 16. Ezember 2001 behauptete Matt McGinley (USA) im Guestbook, die 53 von Mike Lowder (USA) sei fake. Er war der Meinung, das Board sei zu schwierig für einen NF Spieler. Case Cantrell (USA) versuchte, die notwendigen Klicks zu zählen und teilte mit, dass es über 100 seien. Er meinte, 2 Klicks pro sekunde seine unwahrscheinlich und sagte Mike, er müsste mehr sub60's haben. Paul Kerry behauptete, er bräuche immer mehr als 100 Klicks um ein Board in NF zu lösen. Man bräuchte nur effizienter spielen.

Am nächsten Tag fragte Khor Eng Tat (Malaysia), wie man Schwierigkeit definieren könne. Lasse Nyholm (Dänemark) zählte und fand heraus, dass es 207 Klicks braucht, während das Board seines eigenen NF Rekords von 65 Sekunden 161 Klicks braucht. Er war der Meinung, dass 200 für einen professionellen NF Spieler möglich war, fügte aber hinzu, dass die NF 52 von Vincent Yeh (Taiwan) nur 98 Klicks bräuchte. Ben Drucker (USA) behauptete dann, dass bis zu 4 Klicks pro Sekunde möglich waren und er diese auf Fortgeschritten bereits beinahe erreicht hätte.

Am 18. Dezember 2002 fragte Mike Robinson (USA) Lasse, wie er zählt. Dieser antwortete:

"One click per opening and one for every numbered square not touching an opening. I don't think you can say whether a board is good or bad only looking at the number of clicks needed, but I think it has a lot to say."

Obwohl dieses Ereignis schnell wieder vergessen wurde, war es die Geburtsstunde von 3BV.

Klicks pro Sekunde

Lasse Nyholm war der Erste, der im Dezember 2001 die Anzahl der benötigten Klicks zählte. Er nahm die Idee nich weiter ernst, erwähnte sie aber Georgi Kermekchiev (Bulgarien) gegenüber. Dieser hatte darauf hin eine Idee, die er sowohl im Guestbook als auch in Minesweeper Addicts veröffentlichte.

Georgi dachte, dass die beste Art Geschwindigkeit zu messen sei nicht die beötigte Zeit, sondern, die Anzahl der benötigten Klicks pro Sekunde. Er wies darauf hin, dass das 52 Sekunden Board von Vincent Yeh (Taiwan) nur 98 Klicks bräuche und verglich dies mit Board von Lasse Nyholm. Theroetisch könnte also Lasse den Weltrekord auf diesem Board brechen. Langsame Spiele sind oft besser ausgeführt als schnelle. Er schlug vor, ein Programm zu schreiben, das die benötigten Klicks zählt. Drei Tage später schlug Georgi vor, ein "Real Speed Ranking" zu erstellen, dass nach benötigten Klicks pro Sekunde reihte. Das würde auch das Dreamboard Problem in den Ranglisten lösen.

Das führte zu Verwirrung, da Georgi nicht erklärte, wie er "benötigte Klicks" definierte. Doug Osbourne (USA) wies darauf hin, dass Klicks pro Sekunde, effiziente Spieler benachteiligte. Yoni Roll (Israel)korrigierte sie, indem er den Unterschied zwischen Klicks und benötigten Klicks aufzeigte. Daniela Weingut (Österreich) schlug vor, von den Gesamtklicks die unnötigen abzuziehen. Das wäre ein guter Ansatz für Flagger, setzte aber voraus, dass das Programm das gesamte Spiel aufzeichnete. David Barry (Australien) klärte die Situation schlussendlich auf und erklärte, dass Georgi die benötigten Linksklicks des Boards meinte. Er wies auch darauf hin, dass dies nur die Fähigkeiten von NF Spielern genau messen konnte. Später am selben Tag fand Yoni die "World Mousclicking Competition" Website und Lasse schaffte 72 Klicks in 10 Sekunden.

Sorin Manea (Rumänien) bemerkte ursprünglich den Unterschied zwischen Klicks und benötigten Klicks nicht. Am 16. März 2002 kündigte die Entwicklung des "Counters" an. Sein Programmm zählte Linksklicks, Rechtsklicks und deren pro Sekunde Raten während des Spiels. Er baute dieses Programm später in den Recorder ein.

Real Speed was soon forgotten but several players began to count clicks in different ways. Among the first were Damien Moore (Canada), Dan Cerveny (USA), Lasse, Matt, and Stephan Bechtel (Germany). However, no uniform method existed and click counts varied for the same boards.

3BV and 3BV/s

Benny Benjamin (Australia) set a new Expert record Jun 11, 2002 after jumping from 73 to 64 seconds. He decided the jump was a timer error and asked to have the record excluded. Stephan stated that the score was legitimate and asked if he had counted the board. This led to a brief discussion on counting clicks. Benny thought Stephan had a program to analyse efficiency, but Stephan replied he counted each opening and its borders as a click, and counted each remaining number as a click. A few days later Stephan finished a 119 click board in 55 seconds. Matt analysed some records from Lasse and concluded that his click solving speed would have completed the board in less than 40 seconds. Lasse currently held the WR with a 44. This was the first mention of solving speed since Georgi had suggested it four months earlier.

Stephan announced Jun 21, 2002 that Benny had named his counting method 3BV. Since the method had been introduced (in recent memory) by Stephan, this acronym stood for "Bechtel's Board Benchmark Value". Stephan was uncomfortable with the name, and recalled that someone had earlier suggested his method. Emmanuel Brunelliere (France) and Yoni stated they already used the technique, while Damien pointed out that Lasse had been first to use it. David reiterated his comment from February that 3BV was biased in favour of NF players, but Benny insisted the value would be useful.


3BV is accurate for NF players, but it is often possible to finish boards in fewer clicks by Chording. This can result in an IOE greater than 1.

3BV is a very good correlation for the difficulty of a board, but it is not perfect. Boards with the same 3BV can vary in difficulty.


Benny released his Minesweeper Reader Beta 2 on Jul 10, 2002. Its significant feature was screenshot analysis for 3BV. Steffan Pettersson (Sweden) then included 3BV in his second release of Global Mines in October 2002. 3BV is now used in the calculation of nearly all measures of speed, including IOE, RQP, IOS and OMB.

The first program to use 3BV/s was the Recorder by Sorin Manea in 2003. 3BV/s has since been included in every major minesweeper clone, most noteably the Clone by Rodrigo Camargo in 2004 and Arbiter by Rilian in 2005. A 3BV/s ranking (as suggested in 2002 by Georgi) was first created by Gero Wälz (Germany) in 2005 and later by other rankings.



  • Jan 1: Mike Lowder breaks his expert record, jumps 61 to 53.
  • Dec 16: Matt McGinley states 53 is fake.
  • Dec 16: Case Cantrell counts minimum number of required clicks, states more than 100 needed.
  • Dec 16: Paul Kerry notes he clicks more than 100 times per game.
  • Dec 17: Eng Tat Khor asks how board difficulty is measured.
  • Dec 17: Lasse compares his NF records, notes his 65 needs 161 clicks, his 66 needs 144 but the 53 needs 207. He also noted the NF 52 by Vincent Yerh needed 98 clicks.
  • Dec 17: Case notes the 53 is a difficult board, says Mike should have more low scores.
  • Dec 17: Ben Drucker notes 3.9 click/s is possible and achieves it on Intermediate.
  • Dec 18: Mike Robinson asks how Lasse counts clicks.
  • Dec 18: Lasse explains he counts openings as one click and numbers not touching openings as one click each. States he does not believe clicks dictate board difficulty.


  • Feb 5: Georgi Kermekchiev suggests creation of program to count 'necessary clicks'.
  • Feb 5: David Barry agrees to attempt writing a program.
  • Feb 8: Georgi suggests new speed ranking: necessary clicks divided by time.
  • Feb 8: Lasse sets clicks/s record at the World Mouseclicking Competition.
  • Feb 8: Doug Osbourne, Case claim efficiency is not rewarded in click/s ranking.
  • Feb 8: Yoni notes click/s is not the same as necessary click/s.
  • Feb 8: Daniela Weingut suggests necessary clicks equals total clicks less useful clicks.
  • Feb 8: David notes necssary clicks is a NF skill measure.
  • Mar 16: Sorin Manea writes program that counts left, right clicks and their click/s ratios.
  • Jun 11: Benny Benjamin asks to have record excluded after jumping from 73 to 64 on Expert.
  • Jun 11: Stephan Bechtel asks if Benny counted his board and states the jump was possible.
  • Jun 12: Stephan loses a 113 click Expert game.
  • Jun 12: Stephan announces that he counts each opening and its numbers as one click, and all remaining numbers as one click each.
  • Jun 13: Benny admits he thought Stephan was theorising efficiency.
  • Jun 14: Stephan scores 55 on a 119 click Expert board.
  • Jun 18: Matt McGinley counts Lasse's 44 board and states he would have got 39 on Stephan's board at his click ratio. Also notes his 12 on a 40 would make sub10 on several boards.
  • Jun 21: Stephan admits he is uncomfortable with Benny naming the new value 3BV. Asks if Lasse was first to count.
  • Jun 21: Emmanuel Brunelliere states he has been counting 3BV.
  • Jun 21: Yoni states he has been counting 3BV.
  • Jun 21: Damien Moore states Lasse Nyholm was first to count 3BV.
  • Jun 21: David states 3BV only works for NF players.
  • Jun 23: Benny states 3BV is a good benchmark.
  • Jul 4: Benny breaks record with an 18 on a 3BV 29 board.
  • Jul 10: Benny announces Reader Beta 2 counts 3BV.